Europska komisija objavila je 19. travnja 2019. poziv za dostavu projektnih prijedloga u okviru Europskog programa industrijskog razvoja u području obrane (European Defence Industrial Development Programme – EDIDP). Riječ je o Programu ukupne vrijednosti 500 milijuna eura, namijenjenog pružanju potpore konkurentnosti i inovacijskoj sposobnosti obrambene industrije EU u razdoblju 2019.-2020.
Aktualni pozivi podijeljeni su u 9 kategorija obrambenih sposobnosti, s predvidivim ukupnim iznosom sufinanciranja od 243,250,000 eura. Rok za prijavu na pozive je 20. rujna 2019.
Detalji poziva i kriteriji prihvatljivosti dostupni su ovdje:
a) Multipurpose unmanned ground system ( EDIDP-MUGS-2019)
a) European Detect and Avoid (DAA) function based on new sensors and processing for RPAS integration into air-traffic management (EDIDP-ISR-DAA-2019)
b) European High Altitude Platform Station (Euro-HAPS) solution for Union defence (surveillance of maritime zones, land borders or critical assets) (EDIDP-ISR-EHAPS-2019)
c) Persistent earth observation from space with automated interpretation of data and information, including artificial intelligence, cloud solutions and real time on-board processing by sensors (EDIDP-ISR-PEO-2019)
d) Development of a low-observable tactical RPAS with the capability to provide near real time information and with modern self-protection (EDIDP-ISR-TRPAS-2019)
a) Modular and adaptive tactical network to control, change and manage network behaviour, including cyber security (EDIDP-CSAMN-SDN-2019)
b) Software suite enabling real–time cyber defence situational awareness for military decision-making (EDIDP-CSAMN-SSC-2019)
c) Software suite solution, enabling real-time cyber threat hunting and live incident response, based on shared cyber threat intelligence (EDIDP-CSAMN-SSS-2019)
a) Development of European standardized and sovereign Galileo PRS navigation receiver capabilities compatible with GPS/PRS solution for military purposes (EDIDP-PNTSCC-PNT-2019)
b) Development of a European protected waveform to secure military satellite communications in peacetime, missions and operations (EDIDP-PNTSCC-SCC-2019)
a) Capabilities and equipment needed for establishing C2 system from strategic to tactical level, complementing existing European External Action Services systems EDIDP-ESC2S-2019
a) European Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) anti-tank capabilities (EDIDP-NGPSC-2019)
a) Airborne electronic attack capability (EDIDP-ACC-AEAC-2019)
b) Combat jet training platforms (EDIDP-ACC-CJTP-2019)
a) Naval platform technologies for defence purposes, including those able to operate in extreme climates and geographical environments (EDIDP-FNPRT-2019)
a) Innovative defence products, solutions, materials and technologies (EDIDP-SME-2019)
Objava Pozivi za dostavu projektnih prijedloga u okviru EDIDP pojavila se prvi puta na MORH.