Pozivi za dostavu projektnih prijedloga u okviru EDIDP

Europska komisija objavila je 19. travnja 2019. poziv za dostavu projektnih prijedloga u okviru Europskog programa industrijskog razvoja u području obrane (European Defence Industrial Development Programme – EDIDP). Riječ je o Programu ukupne vrijednosti 500 milijuna eura, namijenjenog pružanju potpore konkurentnosti i inovacijskoj sposobnosti obrambene industrije EU u razdoblju 2019.-2020.

Aktualni pozivi podijeljeni su u 9 kategorija obrambenih sposobnosti, s predvidivim ukupnim iznosom sufinanciranja od 243,250,000 eura. Rok za prijavu na pozive je 20. rujna 2019.

Detalji poziva i kriteriji prihvatljivosti dostupni su ovdje:

Pozivi po kategorijama:

1. Multipurpose unmanned ground system:

a) Multipurpose unmanned ground system ( EDIDP-MUGS-2019)
2. Permanent air or space capabilities for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and communication, tactical Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) and sensor suite for integration into air-traffic management:

a) European Detect and Avoid (DAA) function based on new sensors and processing for RPAS integration into air-traffic management (EDIDP-ISR-DAA-2019)

b) European High Altitude Platform Station (Euro-HAPS) solution for Union defence (surveillance of maritime zones, land borders or critical assets) (EDIDP-ISR-EHAPS-2019)

c) Persistent earth observation from space with automated interpretation of data and information, including artificial intelligence, cloud solutions and real time on-board processing by sensors (EDIDP-ISR-PEO-2019)

d) Development of a low-observable tactical RPAS with the capability to provide near real time information and with modern self-protection (EDIDP-ISR-TRPAS-2019)
3. Cyber situational awareness and defence capabilities, military networks and technologies for secure communication and information sharing

a) Modular and adaptive tactical network to control, change and manage network behaviour, including cyber security (EDIDP-CSAMN-SDN-2019)

b) Software suite enabling real–time cyber defence situational awareness for military decision-making (EDIDP-CSAMN-SSC-2019)

c) Software suite solution, enabling real-time cyber threat hunting and live incident response, based on shared cyber threat intelligence (EDIDP-CSAMN-SSS-2019)
4. Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) and satellite communication capabilities

a) Development of European standardized and sovereign Galileo PRS navigation receiver capabilities compatible with GPS/PRS solution for military purposes (EDIDP-PNTSCC-PNT-2019)

b) Development of a European protected waveform to secure military satellite communications in peacetime, missions and operations (EDIDP-PNTSCC-SCC-2019)
5. European Command and Control (C2) system from strategic to tactical level

a) Capabilities and equipment needed for establishing C2 system from strategic to tactical level, complementing existing European External Action Services systems EDIDP-ESC2S-2019
6. Upgrade of current and development of next generation ground-based precision strike capabilities

a) European Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) anti-tank capabilities (EDIDP-NGPSC-2019)
7. Air combat capabilities

a) Airborne electronic attack capability (EDIDP-ACC-AEAC-2019)

b) Combat jet training platforms (EDIDP-ACC-CJTP-2019)
8. Future naval platforms and related technologies

a) Naval platform technologies for defence purposes, including those able to operate in extreme climates and geographical environments (EDIDP-FNPRT-2019)
9. Innovative and future-oriented defence solutions

a) Innovative defence products, solutions, materials and technologies (EDIDP-SME-2019)
Povezana dokumentacija:

Uredba (EU) 2018/1092 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 18. srpnja 2018. o uspostavi Europskog programa industrijskog razvoja u području obrane radi potpore konkurentnosti i inovacijskoj sposobnosti obrambene industrije Unije

Odluka Europske komisije od 19. 3. 2019. o financiranju EDIDP-a i prihvaćanju radnog programa za godine 2019. i 2020.
